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Goat Milk Soap Blog

Lessons from Showing Hospitality

When Jim and I were building our home here on the Goat Milk Stuff farm, we spent a lot of time talking about what “feeling” we wanted our home to give.  We wanted it to be welcoming and friendly.  We didn’t want it to have a “formal” feeling to it.  Instead we wanted it to […]
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My Party System

I received a huge compliment this weekend.  A married man in his twenties said to me, “I want to entertain just like you when I grow up.”  He absolutely made my day. This weekend, we threw an Engagement Party for Brett and Mason. It was tons of fun with friends and family.  Plus we got to […]
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The Buffet of Life

Grandma and Poppy have been with us for several weeks.  They arrived to escape Hurricane Irma and decided to stay until Brett and Mason’s engagement party since it didn’t make sense to drive back to Florida just to turn right around again a few days later. Poppy took the whole family out to China Garden […]
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Your Child’s Future

Have you ever heard (or said yourself) the words, “I want my child’s future to be full of possibilities.”  I understand the intent behind those words, but I’m not so sure I agree with them. As a homeschooling Mom, I kinda think it’s my job to limit my child’s future possibilities.  For example, Brett is […]
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It’s Not All About Me

Have you ever said hello to someone and have them ignore you?  If you’re like me, the first thought that jumps to my mind is something like, “What did I do wrong to make them mad at me?” Or how about you ask somebody a simple question and they respond to you in anger?  Again, […]
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Setting My Children Up for Success

I want my children to be wildly successful in their lives.  Not perfect.  But successful.  By successful, I don’t mean materially successful.  Instead I define a successful life as something more meaningful.  I want them to excel in their marriages, their parenting, and their chosen vocations (whether that is goat farming or something entirely different). […]
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My Favorite Things – The Ringer

Emery and I are at bread camp this week.  The two of us are learning how to make bread in a brick oven.  We’re having a blast.  But it’s all day, every day for a week, so I haven’t had a lot of time to think about blogging. So today I’m going to share with […]
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Last Saturday morning I went food shopping.  As usual, it took two carts (sometimes it takes three) to get everything on my list.  All the children and Jim were working, so I emptied the Beast of all the groceries by myself.  I put a John MacArthur sermon on to listen to while I put the […]
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Blessed To Be a Blessing

As I’m writing this, I have a kitchen full of Hurricane Irma escapees processing tomatoes in my kitchen.  This includes Grandma, Poppy, my brother, and his wife.  My brother’s three children are picking more tomatoes and bringing them back to the house.  While I’m not happy for the reason they’re here (Hurricane Irma), I am […]
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Why We Assist With Goat Birthing

Knowledge is very important to me.  It’s one of the initial reasons I chose to homeschool my children – because I wanted them to gain knowledge and I thought that was better done in a home environment where their individual intellects could be encouraged. I’ve realized that I don’t want to just educate my own […]
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Flexibility is Key to a Busy Mom’s Sanity

I’m a naturally organized person.  Which is helpful, because the more complex my life becomes, the more important it is to stay organized if I want to be efficient, get all my work done, and stay sane and happy. But you don’t have to be a naturally organized person to successfully manage a busy household. […]
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Benefits of Cooking with Cast Iron

We do a lot of cooking around here and have lots of pots, pans, skillets, and other cooking supplies.  If you take a look at our cookware, you’ll notice we use predominantly stainless steel and cast iron. Whenever possible, I’ve always tried to avoid Teflon coated or non-stick cookware.  Sure, it’s convenient, but how can […]
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